Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Self Government is an interesting concept and it does need a close examination

A few examples of self governance – or peoples interpretation of that – has been in the media over the past week.

The Senate of Canada is reviewing a Bill in the Upper House called Bill S234. Senator Gill presented the Bill and Senator Watt seconded it. It is an act that will establish an assembly of the aboriginal peoples of Canada. http://www.parl.gc.ca/LEGISINFO/index.asp?Language=E&Session=15&query=5432&List=toc The bill is at the second reading level and is a Senate Public Bill. Obviously, if you take the time to read the bill – it is some peoples interpretation of self government. It will encompass a body that will consist of all Aboriginal people and will have the ability to work with government. As a third order of government – some might say.

Now we could look at setting up a sign that says – MMF Inc. is your Local Métis government. That is what Mr. Chartrand is putting forward as an ideology of self government – if you are an incorporated entity – you just put a sign up in the community that declares you are part of the governance of the community. http://derrylsanderson.blogspot.com/2008/05/anonymous-has-left-new-comment-on-your.html We are being advised that this costs the better part of a half a million dollars. Imagine what some of those Local Métis communities might be able to do with that much money.

Now for some this could be even humorous –Maybe Wal Mart could put up a sign in your community that says “Our Local Walmart Government Welcomes You!” They at least are a great deal closer to controlling the local governance of the communities where they operate then the MMF is.

We need our symposium on true Métis Nationalism more then we think – our future is going to depend on better ideas then either of these.

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