Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Metis Nation of Ontario - Press Release Election Results

OTTAWA (May 13, 2008) – Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Chief Electoral Officer, Lawrence Gladue, today announced the final results for the 2008 elections of the MNO’s three province-wide governing institutions: The Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario- (PCMNO); the Métis Nation of Ontario Youth (MNOY); and, the Métis Nation of Ontario Veteran’s Council (MNOVC).

The final count of ballots for the MNO Provincial Election 2008 was held yesterday, May 12, 2008 and the following individuals won the contested positions:

MNO Executive:

Sharon McBride, Vice-Chair

Provisional Councillors of the Métis Nation of Ontario

Region 1: Theresa Stenlund
Region 7: Pauline Saulnier (incumbent)

The following candidates were acclaimed:

Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Executive

Gary Lipinski, President
France Picotte, Chair
Tim Pile, Secretary-Treasurer

Provisional Councillors of the Métis Nation of Ontario

Region 2: Cameron Burgess (incumbent)
Region 3: Marcel LaFrance
Region 4: Ann Trudel
Region 5: Maurice Sarrazin (incumbent)
Region 6: Jo-Ann Wass
Region 8: Charlie Fife
Region 9: Peter Rivers

Post-Secondary Representative,

PCMNOAnita Tucker (incumbent)

Métis Nation of Ontario (MNOY)

Joni Labbé, Region 4

Métis Nation of Ontario Veteran’s Council

Elmer Ross, Senator

The following offices are vacant (no nominations or incomplete nominations)

PCMNO Youth Representative

MNOY Regional Councillors: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

MNOVC President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Women’s Representative, and Youth Representative.

The date and time for the election for the vacant positions will be announced following the completion of the MNO Elections.

MNO Electoral Code, Article 9.1 states:

If after the close of nominations there are offices that are vacant, the Chief Electoral Officer shall, by May 15th, announce in writing that elections to fill any such vacancies will be held at the next Annual summer assembly.

For further information:
Katelin Peltier
MNO Manager of Communications
Tel: 613-798-1488 ext. 108
Cell: 613-859-7130

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