Saturday, May 10, 2008

Resonse to an Anonymous Contributor

  • An Anonymous Contributor left this comment on our site:

    Something is really wrong here. Our Federal Government representatives over in Nicuraga while at home we are having real issues with our Homeland. Losing our hunting fishing areas to development.

    As reported on the Another site Some of us don't even have HOUSING!!!!

    So what the F is our Governments doing over seas... when the work needs to be done here at home. I think BC and Alberta needs to leave the MNC and tomorrow would be too late.

As for the Housing story that you present:

We did check this APTN clip out … it was once again a further demonstration of the reason why APTN is not a reliable news source – no investigative reporting skills and even less credibility. Sean Amato who is APTN’s Alberta Correspondent would be more skilled at “Fantasia” then he is at reporting newsworthy information in an unbiased and appropriate manner. Much of the information that gets aired from Alberta is like the "Aboriginal Enquirer" and exploits individuals much like it did for the poor family that was portrayed on this news clip. There are many Aboriginal families in the north who have been negatively impacted by the industrial revolution that seems to have consumed Fort McMurray. There has been much talk about the negative impacts. The Provincial and Federal governments have hosted Task Forces and other reviews that were to address issues related to housing in these communities. The outcomes of many of these initiatives have not had many results for the people of Conklin, Trout Lake, Anzac and others.

Yet – we have had Métis Region One collecting funds through contractual agreements that would mitigate the damages to these communities. We understand from reports from the Ken Bourque and the now suspended Rick Boucher that they are receiving a million dollars a year to assist these communities from a contract with industry. Why are these dollars not being utilized to assist the Métis community who has been devastated by the industrial explosion in their back yard?

The Métis Locals in the north have been working as a collective so that industry can work with the northern communities instead of filtering money outside of their area and not have any accountability back to these Metis people. Bill Loutitt, Margaret Scott, Jumbo Fraser and Ron Quintal from the "Wood Buffalo Core Metis Locals" tell a story about how Region One representatives do not deal with the issues of the north and do not consult them to assist any of the Metis families who have lost a way of life and the ability to exist in communities that have suddenly had everything exasperate in costs.

The APTN blames Audrey Poitras for someone living in poor housing in the north – the only housing program that the Métis Nation of Alberta had was lost this year when Trevor Gladue and his friends did not support the Framework Agreement. The money through Framework hired an individual, who is now laid off as a result of the “Framework Agreement”. This individual worked with the various Métis people in Alberta to try and get them access to the necessary resources through the Alberta Government to deal with poor inadequate housing. Rather then blame Audrey – maybe Trevor’s friends need to talk to the 'Dissidents' who have high jacked the Métis issues in Alberta for their own political gain.


Anonymous said...

APTN should be ashamed for the lack of biased reporting... Sean Amato is an if we can only do something about those shoddy groups on facebook.. being administered to by people who claim to be grassroots metis.. I have never heard of half of these people and I have gone to the last 30 AGM's..the remaining so called politicians should all face the same fate as Rick Boucher.

Anonymous said...

many of the people on the so called grassroots facebook found out they had some Indian blood and so now claim to be Metis, they also know more about Metis than most of us who grew up with the culture. Im disgusted with these people who only knew the white way or the Indian way of life. LEARN THE CULTURE if you think your a Metis. While your at it learn the NATIONAL DEFINITION of a recognized Metis person. It sad that we do have some Metis who use and abuse the Metis Nation for their own benefit. For all the years I ve been with the MNA I met very few people in Metis politics who actually care more for the people than their pockets. At the moment only Lois Riel, Gabriel Dumont,Audrey Poitras, Brady (her husband Gordons great uncle)and Norris come to mind.

Anonymous said...

Gee... Anonymous #2 "sounds" so much like R.L. that I can actually see him standing there and berating me because I am relatively new to understanding my roots yet am held at fault when I try to understand them. Thanks a "hell" of a lot for your own disgusting comments. I would give you a mark of "F" for being a teacher of Metis ways.

Eyeonrights said...

I like Anonymous #2's comments. Specifically, "For all the years I ve been with the MNA I met very few people in Metis politics who actually care more for the people than their pockets."
So true. But this doesn't have to be. Why are many Metis communities signing away their inherent rights to the larger external corporate? This takes away the communities voice and rights, not to mention money from the community purse. Communities need to stand up and take their rights back. They need to incorporate themselves and start exercising their voice and their right. The inherent right need to placed back to the community and not with an external organization that deals with Metis issues. The current governing structure costs the community too much in terms of dollars, voice and identity. It leaves all the power with a few rather than with the whole. The Metis need their communities back.