Friday, March 14, 2008

What is Vindication?

Well – last evening Trevor left a comment on the blog to say Rick had been vindicated. Well as in all things – Métis Mama checks. Thanks again for those who choose to report the reality. Still no vindication for Rick in Alberta.

The Métis Mama source was told that Rick’s lawyer tried to get a further adjournment on his case of “He had an unfair hearing”. The judge denied the request. (Sound like he’s winning yet? or Whining? – hmmm..) The case was argued and the judge did identify that one part of the case law that needed to be considered due to a recent case law precedence setting case - needed to be argued so the case is still held over. Rick’s lawyer has till March 26 to submit a briefing in relation to the new case law and Audrey’s lawyer has till April 9, 2008 to respond. A written decision will be submitted by Justice Shaw at some later date which has yet to be determined.

Maybe for Trevor, David and their friends the definition of vindication is necessary –

Based on the Cambridge Dictionary:

Vindicate: verb

1 to prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong:

2 to prove that someone is free from guilt or blame, after other people blamed them:

Patience boys – you can not be vindicated till its’ over and there is a big road in front of each of you – including the forensic audit.


MetisMama said...

I forgot to thank Trevor and their friends for their committed readership to the Métis Mama blog. We appreciate your continued support and contributions. Don’t forget guys – we have the IP addresses from where the posts come from.

Anonymous said...


The grassroots movement is going to cook those little weasels - you can almost smell it now. Get out the broom.

Frank Godon said...

Ya isn't it funny that the "anonymous" writers seem to forget about the IP address. There is no anonymous surfing on the web, guys. :)

Anonymous said...

You poor sad misguided woman you continue to accuse Trevor of Blogging you Melanie it's not Trevor!! I've tried to leave my sign in metisheart many times and it doesn't seem to work so sorry but the anonymous button was the only one that worked for me to send the post through.

Now for what you have to say, I think that if you had to suffer the way some people have been made to suffer so needlessly because of Audrey's actions you might not be so quick to defend. Politicians aren't the only people she has targeted or hurt, she's hurting many at the grassroots level with her outrageous dictatorship.

As far as me reading what's on your site it's because I read all sides not just one and the people you condem the most are ones who have never done harm to me or anyone else I know, but I have been affected drasticly by Audrey's actions and or LACK OF ACTION.

On a final note my condolences and prayers do go out to all the Poitras' family during this time with the loss of a matriarch in their family.

MetisMama said...

Misguided that is so funny. Not misguided but if you have facts and information that is not just allegations with no back up – bring it on – it will get published too. Many make these comments that are innuendos with no substance – but rumors are just that – rumors. Bad gossip is only bad gossip. Sour grapes are sour grapes. I have published the good and the bad – when your seven friends get attacked – that is their walk and what they brought on themselves. In fact, I am glad they still have one or two friends out their because they need them. Our community is infamous for making loser politicians feel like they are lepers.

When people send info about their personal lives and families – I won’t post it. Right, wrong or whatever you may think – that is my line in the sand.

Anonymous said...

i am sick of Trevor and his bunch of weasels who have nothing to offer the grassroots people, except hardship. The LADY, Ms Poitras is called a dictor because she is the only brain who has build the Metis Nation to such an outstanding organization. When you have nothing but opposition who would rather stick the money in their pockets, then you pursue to achieve the best like any good leader would. My family is totally disgusted with the so- called dirty politicans who are still in our community. We thought we got rid of them 96. I am a grandmother who has a message for Trevor and his radical bunch, look into your hearts, is there any Metism there, do you really know that Riel went through the same hardships that our President is going through, and still they won, more than 123 years we havent forgotten Riel, nor will we forget the wonderful solid leadership Ms. Poitras is bring to us.

Anonymous said...

When a person posts anonymously ... it is fine but when a person tends to blame it on a technical glitch..simply post it in your message. As for talk of a dictatorship ...I think not..Ms. Poitras and her decisions are solely based on what is best for Metis People...I rue the day she decides not to run again...If by chance Trevor gets will be a sad day...a person with no original thought to call his own..and yes we all know what plagiarism is...and someone who sits on boards of educational is just sad. So before I post this anonymously I will bid fare thee well

Ryan Bell...

Yours Anonymously,

Anonymous said...

I hope for the best for all Metis families. And wish that we could just stop fighting amounts our selves. This is what is holding us back from being a strong nation. In the eyes of the goverment, they no that they are winning. Cause we can't even support our own..