This post was left yesterday. David Chartrand indicated on the Métis Hour last Saturday that things would get interesting in Alberta prior to the MNC Assembly in Alberta. Well based on this post – interesting it is.
Anonymous said...
Here is something interesting:
Notice of Special Meeting
Local 845,
Members of the Metis Nation of Alberta
A Special Meeting will be held on February 19th at 6pm at the Office of the Local 845 North Rear Bay, Friendship Centre, 4917 52 Street, Rocky Mountain House
Phone/Fax (403) 844-4628
Resolution Concerning: Removal from Provincial office of Vice President MNA Region 3, Joe Chodzicki
Resolution Concerning: Removal from Provincial office and vote of Non Confidence regarding Vice President MNA Trevor Gladue
Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:27:00 PM
In Alberta, the Métis put in place several mechanisms for the right of recall. Accountability coming from elected officials was important to the Métis people in Alberta. The bylaws ( do have mechanisms in them to have special meetings that allow members to pass a 75% resolution that would send individuals who were no longer representing them packing. We have heard that this is one of several such meetings that are happening in this Region.
We will keep our eye on this process to see where things go.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Accountability for the Métis in Alberta
Posted by
7:21 AM
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We understand that since this posting there are special meetings being planned in all the Metis Locals in this area.
So Manitoba David has found an adversary in Alberta... seems he 's more into informing Manitoba Metis of Alberta turbulance instead of informing us of why he fired MMF BOD of NWMC...
....To all Metis North,West East and South: "Watch out for the purple koolaid (Fire Water, dead Duck, Burnt Bannock) etc, etc,"...
David Chartrand would love to keep us in Alberta spoon fed too but in Alberta we have been through the bully leadership in the past. We are not so willing to return to the days of Dictatorship. We also realize that bullies are very often not happy with those of us that will not be bullied.
My real only wish though is that we could get back to putting the energy into moving Métis people forward as we do in fighting our own bullies.
This process under MNA bylaws is, we believe, the first step in restoring accountability in governance for the Metis in Alberta.
The bylaws clearly indicate a forum for Metis Grass roots to be heard.
We are anxious to get on with the Business of the MNA, but will not continue to watch destructive and detrimental behavior undermine the energies of MNA. Taking action, with Respect for our bylaws, our Oath, our Judiciary Council...
Hi Metis Mama;
Medicine Hat has posted their 21 day notice for the removal of Joe Chodzicki and Trevor Gladue, as well. Our date for a community meeting is February 21; Pincher Creek is on February 27; and the other locals are still to post.
Clearly, we have had enough of the adverse press, frivolous court cases, conflicts of interest and the disrespect shown to our Metis Judicial Council and Madame President Poitras.
It's time these two and I would venture to say a few others, be held accountable for their actions that have been detrimental to the Metis Nation.
I've heard rumors that other meetings are happening in the north.
It's time for the grassroots to flex some muscle and take action.
Enough is enough!
Please keep us informed... Your alberta meetings could be our 'How to', to get rid o crap here in manitoba...
Just wondering if everyone saw this:
Yes, Local 845 has posted the following at
"Grass Roots send a Message
Results of the Special Meeting:
Lyle Solland moves an Ordinary Resolution to demand the removal of Joe Chodzicki from the office of Provincial Council, representative for Region 3 of the Metis Nation of Alberta
Seconded Dee Johnston
In Favor 11 Opposed 3 No abstentions, Carried
Warren Fay moves an Ordinary Resolution to demand the removal of Trevor Gladue from the office of Vice President, Provincial Council, Metis Nation of Alberta and send forth a Vote of Nonconfidence with regard to his leadership in the said position.
Seconded Brent LeBlanc
In Favor 10 Opposed 4 No abstentions, Carried
Members of the Metis Nation with MNA membership cards, and proof of residency in Local 845 voted by secret ballot. Joe Chodzicki and Trevor Gladue were present, and the agenda was not altered, but they were allowed self representation and the opportunity to answer questions from the floor, prior to the vote with regard to the resolutions on the Agenda. Guests from Region 1, and Edmonton were present.
Scrutineers were Gary Boucher MNA Political Advisor and Brent LeBlanc
The meeting was passionate and intense, and reflecting on the Resolutions put forward, with good reason. Other Locals in this Region, Medicine Hat and Pincher Creek have meetings forthcoming with regard to these resolutions.
We Have A Voice…."
If only each Local in the Province would alow their membership to decide if they have Confidence in his "Leadership?". As the awakening in the Metis Nation continues, it would be refreshing, if Mr Gladue would take responsability for brokering the Health initiaive behind Audrey's back, and causing the unfortunate demise of other well intentioned, "leaders". Come on Trevor, Post this in Metis Matters!
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